Ways of Praise: Conservative Contemporary Christian Music
Pastors and worship leaders are looking for Contemporary Christian music that supports the conservative doctrines of their churches. Lutheran churches across the US and even as far away as Australia are already using songs from Ways of Praise in their worship services.
Listen to the songs below and check out the lyrics. You can purchase CDs or downloads at: CDBaby, iTunes, or Amazon.
These songs are listed in the CCLI SongSearch library, (http://us.search.ccli.com) so if you have a CCLI License, you don’t need to request permission as long as you report the usage of those songs on the CCLI SongSearch, (https://olr.ccli.com). When 5 or more churches report using the songs then they will become available on the SongSelect (https://songselect.ccli.com).
Listen to the songs below and check out the lyrics. You can purchase CDs or downloads at: CDBaby, iTunes, or Amazon.
These songs are listed in the CCLI SongSearch library, (http://us.search.ccli.com) so if you have a CCLI License, you don’t need to request permission as long as you report the usage of those songs on the CCLI SongSearch, (https://olr.ccli.com). When 5 or more churches report using the songs then they will become available on the SongSelect (https://songselect.ccli.com).
This song was written on my family's mission trip to Guatemala. It describes how Christians all over the world worship the same awesome God, but using many different -- Ways of Praise. © 2012 Pamela Anne Prevallet Memorial Fund, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri.
Click here for the video of this song. LSB's version of Martin Luther's Morning Prayer set to music.
Based on Psalm 95:1-7 "Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation." This is a song that was written for and used in a chapel service at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Click here for the video of this song. |
This communion song refers to many of the Biblical references to the Lord's Supper. This is our church's most requested song. We often speak the words of institution during musical interludes after verses 1 & 2.
Click here for the video of this song. This song reminds us of God real presence in the Lord’s Supper and gives us His love and forgiveness. This song was a song I wrote in response to a challenge to write a sacramental song after attending an LCMS songwriters conference sponsored by the Commission on Worship (through a grant from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans).
We are addicted to sin. It seems like as soon as we tell God we'll never do it again. We fail again. This song of confession and absolution is about a person's plea for mercy and the grace that God offers us.
Psalm 38:21-22 |
Christ Confirms was written for our 2012 Confirmation class and is also a great one for Reformation Sunday. It has been used by several large Lutheran churches in Australia for their confirmation services.
The Lord's Prayer set to music written nearly word for word from the ESV with repeating phrases to make it easy for congregational singing or with children.
2 Timothy 4:18 from the ESV set to music.
"The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen." Click here for the video of this song. LSB's version of Martin Luther's Evening Prayer set to music.