Broken... Broken for our Brokenness
By Kevin Bueltmann & Nikki Peters 1. Wandering, aimlessly, drifting around Life’s imperfections, bringing us down Hope lay in pieces all over the ground But You give us peace, In You we are found! Chorus: You were crushed - to crush all our sinfulness You were wrecked - to heal us from wretchedness You were humbled. You give us humbleness You were broken for our brokenness. 2. Stricken, afflicted, You carry our grief Mocked and rejected, You give us relief Abandoned, forsaken and pierced for our sin Death lies defeated! The grave did not win! Bridge: You have conquered our sin Changed all our hearts from within For Your Word in all its holiness (pause) Has spoken to our brokenness Chorus 2: All our fear - You turn into fearlessness Your deep love - it brings out more love in us All our hopelessness turns to hopefulness You were broken for our brokenness ©2021 Kevin Bueltmann & Nikki Peters
"Broken & Poured Out" is most often song during or right before communion. The lyrics focus on the Scriptures that talk about the Lord's Supper. Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:14-20, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 11:23-29 ![]()
Broken & Poured Out By Kevin Bueltmann Chords: Am F G Am-G-Am-G While they were eating, Jesus took the bread, Gave thanks and broke it, and then He said: "This is my body given just for thee. Do this in remembrance of me." Chorus: Broken – Poured out. Broken and Poured out all for me. Broken – Poured out. Broken and Poured out all for you. Then he took the cup, gave thanks for it too. Offered it to them, “Drink from it. All of you.” This is my blood of the covenant, Poured out for all to forgive your sin. Chorus Is this not the bread? Is this not the wine? From a simple loaf and the fruit of the vine? This is His body. This is His blood. This is His forgiveness and this is His love. Truly I will say, His presence is so real When we come together and join in this meal. When you eat this bread, When you drink this cup, You proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Chorus ©2008 Ways Of Praise Music (Admin. by Kevin Bueltmann Music) CCLI SONG #7062719 |